Tuesday, June 20, 2006

An inconvenient half-truth

I'm most certainly not a fan of Albert Gore Jr.
When I learned about his film - "An inconvenient truth" I was terribly disgusted.

I've long been of the opinion that God created this world well and stably enough that - though we impact things on a small scale (polluting lake erie, introducing non-native animals where they shouldn't be, etc...) - we humans can't passively destroy the earth. So, the whole "global warming" thing is a bit out there. Many of the articles that I've read make strong assertions founded on tenuous observations.

Well, something good actually came from Canada (aside from the friends I have, of course)! There is an article about the number of scientists who soundly dismiss global warming and the FUD surrounding the same. Go check it out. I think I'm going to copy it off for posterity when they eventually take it offline.

With that in mind, I hope it's sunny where you are, so slather on some SPF30 and go enjoy the summertime!

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