Thursday, April 21, 2005

Bearing each other's burdens

James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.

The two big lessons from this verse are:
1. I need not tell the world about all of my problems/weaknesses/sins, but if I don't tell someone, I can't expect help. When we look to each other for support, encouragement, admonition we're better equipped to deal with all that this life throws before us.
2. Prayer is effective! Maybe I can't do a lot to help others out, but I can pray. Also, this isn't talking about a righteous man - the only two I can think of to fit that bill are Jesus and Enoch. This is for those people who are seeking righteousness. If I have the desire for God's righteousness that I should, then I can be assured that God will answer my prayers.

This blogger thing is great!
I spent a little time tweaking the look of this page and it's quite enjoyable. I've added a bit on the side that shows recent songs I've been listening to. I don't think it's exactly working yet, but it's a combination of these two sites: audioscrobbler and rss digest.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow - I'm taking a half day off from work, Willow is going to spend the night with my parents for the first time and Stacey and I are going to Columbus for our 5 year anniversary! It's just a little overnight thing, but since she's pregnant again, we most likely won't be going away to do anything for our anniversary next year!

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