Wednesday, August 10, 2005

If you had any doubts before...

... you will hereafter be disabused of them.
I am not - repeat NOT - a democrat. That isn't to say that I'm a staunch republican either. I would most closely align with the libertarian view of government, but frequently vote republican due to the issues and the candidates running races where I have the opportunity to participate.

I'm all for the fair tax movement (you should be, too!). I firmly believe that we should abolish social security (it had a limited purpose at one time, but has imploded and is taking our nation with it). I'm also very much in favor of private gun ownership (I just don't have the money right now, else I'd have one along with a concealed carry permit).

Near the top of the list of ideals/groups that should be abolished, the ACLU is a prime candidate. I can only guess that they are behind this current NCAA foolishness (thanks to Ward for pointing this out). Miami University (of Ohio) went through this some time ago and they are no longer the redskins, they're the "Redhawks" now. Well, isn't that just precious. Should we change the name of the town, or the river because they're named after the miami indians after all.

There are two great quotes from the article that I would like to share:
"I think it's offensive to native Americans ... the Seminole Indian tribe who support the traditions of FSU," Bush said on his way into a Cabinet meeting. "I think they insult those people by telling them, 'No, no, you're not smart enough to understand this. You should be feeling really horrible about this.' It's ridiculous."
This is a very succinct summary of what is wrong with the general democrat mentality today - you aren't smart enough to handle your (money/healthcare/parenting/etc...) so we'll start a huge bureaucracy to handle it.

If they (NCAA/ACLU/Democrats) want to fix something, they should heed this quote from Governor Bush:
"You know what they ought to be worried about? The graduation rates of most college athletes," the second-term Florida governor said. "Maybe if they had some suggestions on that, that universities could apply and could implement, they could be doing a service to all of us."
I'll end my rant there. Please, for the love of all that is good, stop voting for these people!

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