Monday, July 11, 2005

Sorrow, Love and Disc Golf

Yesterday was a good preaching day. I gave a textual sermon from 2 Corinthians 7:5-13 (ESV,TNIV) about Godly Sorrow and it's role in repentance (our scripture readings this month are all about repentance and I'll be summarizing with a lesson at the end of the month describing our dependence on repentance in order to enjoy fellowship). The topical sermon was around the idea of "Do I really love..." looking at my enemy, my neighbor and my brethren. Summarizing the points, they all show how we love God, and that if we don't want to love/spend time with our brethren here, why would we want to go to heaven?!?

Let me know if you'd like to see the text of any of these either in outline or presentation format.

On a recreational note, I went out for my 3rd round of disc golf. It's not quite the workout that running is, but it's more enjoyable in that I get to have some good discussions and grow closer to the brothers that I play with. And I improved significantly over my 2nd game (16 over par instead of more than 28 over - i really lost track on that game, so it might have been more than 28!).

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